How Will I Know If My Parent Needs Senior Home Care?

Caring for a senior parent can be difficult. It can feel like you’re constantly trying to make decisions when you don’t know what the right decision is. And in some ways you are. You have to balance the needs of your senior parent with being sensitive to their feelings while at the same making sure they are safe. It’s difficult. One of the most common questions that people have when they are trying to care for a senior parent is how they will know when their senior parent needs home care.

There’s no hard and fast answer to that question. Every senior can benefit from senior home care, because home care is tailored to the needs of each senior. But does your senior need home care? If your senior loved one is aging at home and you start to notice any of these signs it’s time to at least talk about home care:

Medications In Disarray

Senior Home Care Highland Park, IL: Needing Home Care

Senior Home Care Highland Park, IL: Needing Home Care

If your senior parent’s medications are getting jumbled together, or the bottles are getting lost, or they are looking disorganized your senior loved one may need home care to help them keep those medications straight. It can be dangerous for those medications to get mixed up, lost, or left empty. Medication management is one of the services that are included in home care and medication management can help keep your senior parent safe. 

Empty Cupboard or Fridge

When was the last time you looked in the fridge or cupboards at your senior parent’s home? Check them out. If the food supplies are looking low and there’s nothing in the fridge but medications and condiments your senior loved one probably needs some help doing the shopping. It’s important to get them some help before they start skipping meals. Senior home care can help seniors with shopping or help them place grocery delivery orders. 

Your Senior Parent Wearing The Same Clothes All The Time

If you notice that your senior parent is starting to wear pajamas all the time or they are wearing the same clothes day after day ask them why. Maybe they are having trouble fastening zippers or buttoning buttons so they are wearing the same clothes that don’t have those fasteners every day. Or maybe they are depressed. But no matter what the cause is they may need personal care at home or home care to make sure they are taking care of themselves physically. 

The House Is Dirty

Can you see visible dust on most of the surfaces in  your senior parent’s home? Is the laundry piling up or the floor looking pretty dirty? Housecleaning can be a big challenge for seniors as they get older. Large tasks like laundry or mopping floors can be too much for seniors who are having balance issues or mobility problems. Home care can help with light housework and laundry so that your senior loved one’s home is clean and safe for them. They can also make sure that the home is clutter free to prevent falls.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Senior Home Care in Highland Park, IL, contact the caring staff at Companion Services of America today at (847) 943-3786. Our home care service area includes Northbrook, Highland Park, Deerfield, Glenview, Buffalo Grove, Evanston, Des Plaines, Skokie, Lake Forest, Wilmette and the surrounding areas.

Jamie Shapiro
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