The Golden Years-When Aging is Not So Golden by Marci

As a Geriatric Social Worker I have heard many of my patients throughout the years ask why our older years are called “The Golden Years”. As many of us observe our elderly friends and relatives we see that there are many challenges and stressful situations that are presented in our later years. Many go through chronic illness, illness and/or loss of a spouse, financial problems, loss of independence, and isolation just to name a few. It is very important to support our loved ones through these stressful times, and it is crucial to monitor them for depression as it can be very prevalent among the older population.

There is a difference between depression and if someone is feeling sad. It is important to recognize the differences and address the symptoms accordingly. The two key elements that distinguish clinical depression from just feeling down are:

1) Severity-symptoms interfere with everyday life
2) Duration-symptoms are present for most of the time and last for more than 2 weeks.

Some symptoms of depression include:
• Continuous feelings of emptiness, sadness, and anxiety
• Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or helplessness
• Frequent crying
• Difficulty with concentration, remembering details, and decision making
• Sleeping too much or insomnia
• Poor appetite or overeating
• Increased agitation and restlessness
• Feeling tired and decreased energy
• Loss of enjoyment for activities that were once pleasurable
• Complaints of aches and pains that cannot be explained or treated
• Lack of interest in personal appearance
• Social Withdrawal
• Thoughts of suicide or expressing thoughts of dying

If you notice that your loved one is facing several of these symptoms it is very important to take them to their physician. It is especially difficult to distinguish depression among older adults because as you will notice many of the symptoms of depression are often symptoms of the aging process as well. This is why it is so important to monitor your loved one and take immediate action when necessary.

The Golden Years may not feel so golden to those going through this time, but if we can support our loved ones we can help them to live as enjoyable life as possible.

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